In this episode, Dr Sarkisian and I discuass his use of Ologen branded collagen matrix in attempts to improve the success of glaucoma surgery. This novel modification has yet to gain widespread support and would still be considered experimental at the time of this recording.
Steven R. Sarkisian, Jr., MD is the director of the glaucoma fellowship at the Dean A. McGee Eye Institute and serves as a clinical associate professor of Ophthalmology at the University of Oklahoma in Oklahoma City. Dr Sarkisian has a special interest in nanotechnology applications for the treatment of glaucoma; innovation in glaucoma surgery; and glaucoma drainage devices.
Dr Sarkisian’s constact information:
Steven R. Sarkisian, Jr., M.D.
Clinical Associate Professor of Ophthalmology
University of Oklahoma College of Medicine The Dean A. McGee Eye Institute
608 Stanton L. Young
Oklahoma City, OK 73104-5065
PHONE (405) 271-6060
FAX (405) 271-4442
web profie:
This episode was recorded live in March 2011 during the American Glaucoma Society annual meeting using a Shure SM58 microphone with a Marantz PMD661 digital recorder. Mixing and sound levelling were performed on a MacBook Pro and MacBook Air using Levelator, Fission, and Garage Band. Narration was overdubbed using a Blue Microphone Yeti through Audio HiJack on a MacPro.
Opinions expressed in this podcast are those of the speakers and are not intended to be taken as the standard of care for glaucoma treatment. Please always weigh the complete clinical picture and involve patients with any decisions in their care.
Selected reference:
New Methods and Modifications of Glaucoma Filtration Surgery
Sarkisian, Steven R. Jr MD; Rouse, J. Matthew MD International Ophthalmology Clinics:
Summer 2011 - Volume 51 - Issue 3 - p 95–106
More references on the media center section at the Ologen website:
Theme music “Middle East Gold” ©Daniel Schertzer 2010 and published by Les Prods DOSWA Enr
Robert M Schertzer, MD, MEd, FRCSC
Clinical Associate Professor
Dept of Ophthalmology & Visual Sciences
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