Ep 18 Talking About Glaucoma - The Eye HandBook app Ro Krishna (mp3 version)

In this episode, Dr Krishna and I discuss the Eye HandBook app that he and partner Dr Ken Lord developed. This app, available for both iOS and Android devices, has been a huge success. How can you disagree when the price is FREE and it is loaded with useful information for eye care professionals? At the time of this recording in March 2011 the Android version had yet to be released but it has since been released…see links in the show notes for downloading the iPhone or Android versions.
Dr. Krishna is Board Certified in Ophthalmology and Fellowship trained in glaucoma. He completed his ophthalmology residency at the Cleveland Clinic Foundation in Cleveland, Ohio, where he also served as Chief Resident. He completed his glaucoma subspecialty training at the prestigious Bascom Palmer Eye Institute in Miami, Florida. He was honored as a recipient of a scholarship from the Heed Foundation during his fellowship. He is actively involved in resident and medical student education and research at the Eye Foundation of Kansas City, Truman Medical Center and Department of Ophthalmology, University of Missouri-Kansas City (UMKC) School of Medicine. He is Director of the Glaucoma service and Associate Professor of Ophthalmology at the University of Missouri - Kansas City (UMKC) School of Medicine. Dr. Krishna has published book chapters and numerous articles in the areas of his expertise. He is a partner at Sabates Eye Centers and Medical Director/CEO at Epic Surgery Centers.(All biographical information taken from the Eye HandBook website)
Dr Krishna’s contact information:
Leawood Eye Center - University Park Medical Plaza
11261 Nall Ave.
Leawood, KS 66211
(913) 261-2020
Sabates Eye Centers: http://www.sabateseye.com/doctors/bio/krishna.html
Eye Handbook website: http://www.eyehandbook.com/about_ehb.php
This episode was recorded live in March 2011 during the American Glaucoma Society annual meeting using a Shure SM58 microphone with a Marantz PMD661 digital recorder. Mixing and sound levelling were performed in November 2011 on a MacPro, MacBook Pro and MacBook Air using Levelator, Fission, and Garage Band. Narration was overdubbed using a Heil PR40 Microphone and Garage Band.
Opinions expressed in this podcast are those of the speakers and are not intended to be taken as the standard of care for glaucoma treatment. Please always weigh the complete clinical picture and involve patients with any decisions in their care.
Selected references:
Eye HandBook at iTunes app store:
and in the Android Market Place
Theme music “Middle East Gold” ©Daniel Schertzer 2010 and published by Les Prods DOSWA Enr
Robert M Schertzer, MD, MEd, FRCSC
Clinical Associate Professor
Dept of Ophthalmology & Visual Sciences
University of British Columbia
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